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Monthly Zoom sessions with discounted autopayment. Cancel at any time.
- 179 Australian dollars
Zoom sessions every 6 weeks with discounted autopayment (~$153.00/session)
Zoom sessions every 2 months with discounted autopayment (~$162/session)
This is a limited offer of a free 30 minute strategy session over Zoom
90 minute session with leaders over Zoom to facilitate a wise decision
230 Australian dollars- 497 Australian dollars
Assessment of areas highlighted by leadership with report and recommendations.
1,997 Australian dollars
Choose your pricing plan
Pastoral Supervision - monthly - $143pm
143$Every monthMonthly Zoom with monthly autopayment $143 at discount. Cancel at any time.Â- Pastoral Supervision - monthly
Pastoral Supervision - 6 weekly - $102pm
102$Every monthcharged on a monthly autopayment plan $102 per month. Cancel at any time.Â- Pastoral Supervision -every 6 weeks plan
Pastoral Supervision -bi-monthly - $81pm
81$Every monthZoom with monthly autopayment $81. Cancel at any time.Â- Copy of Pastoral Supervision -bi-monthly
Consultancy Training
177$Every month11 training days over 2025Valid for 11 months
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